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Violin Blog
08 Oct

The Rules of Violin-Playing By Joseph Joachim

A letter from Joseph Joachim to Franz von Vescey. Berlin, November 20th,1904. Szeretettel!             Listen carefully when practising so that not a single note should pass by unnoticed. Be your own teacher!             In changing position, do not slide with the fingers on the string..

22 Aug

What else can we learn from violin class?

Respect. Memory. Body coordination. Intuition. Listening ability. No learning competition. Learn from others. Help each other. Constant work: Concentration, discipline and perseverance. Always having a target. The union of reflection and action. The capacity for observation, self-esteem and motivation. Emotional development and sensitivity.

06 Aug

Philosophy of Suzuki Method

Learn from listening First feeling the music then reach the intellectual level. Dr. Suzuki thought the way how children learn music should be the same as learning their mother tongue. Parents should put the Suzuki book CD, as well as good classic music at home all day in order to create an environment which children..